Privacy Policy

Paxrun, our platform is used to improve people's activities with better transportation and E-commerce services. This policy is meant to elaborate our knowledge of PAXRUN and the rights you have in your information.

1. PREAMBLE: When you use paxrun, our platform is committed in keeping your personal data with us, we tend to help you understand our privacy policy. In essence, we collect your personal data, its usage and information about your device remains private.

2. SCOPE OF THIS POLICY: It applies to all users of our app, websites, features and other services (drivers, riders, customers, vendors etc.). PLEASE VISIT OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

3. THE DATA: When you are a paxrun user, the data we collect include: ACCOUNT REGISTRATION; we will need your name, email address, phone number, birth date, identification verification, payment details, photos or addresses, location. DRIVER INFORMATION; We will need your name, email address, phone number, birth date, identification verification, profile photo, address, government ID cards, car information, bank information, license information. We may need additional information. FEEDBACKS; Both from every users of paxrun, the vendors, riders, drivers customers. We collect the ratings you provide. COMMUNICATIONS; When you contact us, we will need information and contents to help solve your issue. LOCATION; we collect information regarding your location (including GPS data). Paxrun will track every location the moment the user uses the app. USAGE INFROMATION; Paxrun needs information like date, time, destination, payment, products, services. We process data interactions with paxrun. DEVICE INFROMATION; Device model, IP address, version of operating system, identity of the user, settings, advertising identifiers, notification tokens, sensor data.

4. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE USERS: We employ the services of a third party to facilitate calls, messages etc without sharing actual information with the other users, we keep records of such communication and interaction.

5. THIRDPARTY TECHNOLOGIES: We collect data through the use of cookies, data analysis, to understand how the paxrun app runs (basically advertisement, security of the platform, experiences shared, improvement strategies, promotions).

6. PAYMENT INFORMATION: We collect bank name, payment method, financial details, debit cards, credit cards, expiration date to process payments in the platform.

7. SOCIAL MEDIA AND OTHER MEANS Such as law enforcement media etc provide us with data in a situation an incident occurs to aid the investigation.

8. RIGHTS AND CHOICES: Paxrun provides means in which you access and delete your personal information.,

9. CHANGES: we will always update paxrun policies. When we do, we will let our users know to ensure perfect communication between paxrun and the users.